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My new book, The Perpetual Paycheck, is now available!

My new book The Perpetual Paycheck: 5 Secrets to Getting Job, Keeping a Job, and Earning Income for Life in the Loyalty-Free Workplace is now available! You can get it on amazon (in print or as an Ebook) or if you have a different device it’s also available on, iTunes, Kobo, and Googleplay. (Expanded distribution of the print edition will be rolling out over the next few weeks). I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that it is actually a great time to find a new job (and to earn a perpetual paycheck) – and in my book I’ll explain exactly how you should be approaching the process. If you want to know more about The Perpetual Paycheck and my consulting practice, you can also check out my website ( to read more about it.


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